*intro 1 BatMenu V1.00 Copyright (C) 1989 by Simple Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved BatMenu is a menu generation program for DOS batch files. As you'll soon see, BatMenu allows you the flexibility to generate attractive, scrollable menus for your batch files. Please refer to the documentation file for full details on program operation. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Tech support is cheerfully offered to registered users. Shareware at a price you can afford! CIS 76440,76 GEnie M.GEISINGER Press RETURN to continue... *intro 2 I'd like to take just a couple of minutes to demonstrate some of the things that you can do with BatMenu. What's going on here is really quite simple for you to do with BatMenu. When you're ready, load this batch file into your favorite text editor and take a look at it. You'll see that each of the command lines for BatMenu contain several parameters which are fully covered in the documentation file. What you won't see is all this text. That's because BatMenu provides a simple method of creating numerous different menus (or as you see here, windows) from a single file. The file is named BATMEN.TXT and may be placed just about anywhere you like. Press RETURN to continue... *intro 3 Well, you say, where's the menus! Coming right up! Actually, what you've been reading are BatMenu menus. Try the Up/Dwn arrow keys and you'll see what I mean. But you want to see menus, right? OK, but indulge me one more time. Press ESC for scrolling text... *intro 4 A word on scrollable text and windows ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I just wanted to take a moment to illustrate that you can scroll through text in a window. If you lay on the Up or Dwn arrow key for a moment you'll see that there is more here than meets the eye, in this window at least. You see, scrollable menus are very similar to scrollable windows. To have a scrollable window, you just use BatMenu as you would with a menu, except you display text in the window. I wonder... Not a bad way to provide help screens or allow someone to read text in a batch file. I've seen a lot o people go to great lengths to emulate paging through text in a batch file with pause commands in in all the right places. I think that BatMenu does that and more in a much more easy to use fashion. Now for those menus I've been promising. Just press RETURN... *menu1 Choice 1 -- Well, here's your first menu. Choice 2 -- You'll notice that only the Choice 3 -- first 8 characters are Choice 4 -- highlighted. You can use the Choice 5 -- [-l n] parameter to limit the Choice 6 -- number of highlighted chars Choice 7 -- to 'n'. This allows you the Choice 8 -- remaining menu space for Choice 9 -- explanatory text. *menu2 Choice 1 -- Of course you don't have to Choice 2 -- get fancy if you don't want Choice 3 -- to. A simple menu follows. Choice 4 -- Did I mention that you can Choice 5 -- have up to nine choices in a Choice 6 -- menu? You can have fewer, of Choice 7 -- course. *menu3 Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 Choice 5 Choice 6 Choice 7 Choice 8 Choice 9 *menu4 Have you noticed that when you exit a menu that the underlaying screen is still intact? Nice, right? Of course you can choose to clear the screen either before or after executing BatMenu. The easiest method is with DOS's 'cls' in your batch file, but BatMenu will also do this for you with the [-c] switch, and this may be quicker. More? Press Return... Want to quit? Highlight this line with the arrow keys and press Return. *menu5 I hope you find BatMenu useful. I believe that you will find it quite flexible and easy to use. Take a few minutes to read the documentation file. All the details you need to use BatMenu are there. The format of the BATMEN.TXT file is very simple, just the text you want in your menu and a keyword to mark each menu or screen. Also, please pay particular attention to the command line switches for BatMenu. They're the key to its flexibility. BatMenu V1.00 Copyright (C) 1989 by Simple Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved Simple Solutions, Inc. P.O. Box 640189 Kenner, LA 70064 (504) 464-5748